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“Butt’s surprise rebirth this spring begins a new conversation focused on cross-community solidarity and sexual freedom, ” Jonkers and van Bennekom add in a statement. So why relaunch now? “ The early days of the pandemic sparked a lot of conversations – DMs and email from friends and fans of Butt about the desire for its return,” says Butt magazine’s Andrew Pasquier. Butt magazine spread, image courtesy of Stack Among its frequent collaborators was photographer Wolfgang Tillmans, who shot the cover for the debut issue, as well as going on to appear as a cover star.

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It adopted a distinctly fleshy hue and featured minimalist designs (courtesy of van Bennekom) while offering up unabashedly candid interviews and bold, direct takes on gay life.

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Butt magazine has made a comeback for its 30th issue, returning ten years after its last print issue in December 2011.īutt was founded by Dutch journalist Gert Jonkers and art director Jop van Bennekom in 2001.

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